The big game is almost here, the BCS National Championship Game between Alabama (yay!) and Notre Dame (boo!). You can probably agree it isn't often to be so excited about a Monday. It's not just any ordinary Monday, it is much more special as Alabama Football will be playing for its 15th National Championship! And what makes this game even more special is the fact we have two historic football programs playing each other. An interesting fact, Notre Dame has 13 National Championships compared to Alabama's 14. At the end of Monday's game, ND will either tie Bama in championships or we will pull further away from the Irish.

Through this great 2012 football season, I've noticed my roommate from college bragging on his favorite team, the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame. At one point, I've mentioned wouldn't it be something if our teams would meet up for the big prize! Leading up to the SEC Championship game I posted trash talk about how Bama's real test was getting past Georgia as they would easily roll over ND. He came up with a bet, a challenge, one that could be seen by everyone through social media on Facebook! The bet, the looser would have to buy the other team's hat and take a picture wearing it and make it a profile pic. The looser would also have to post bragging comments on the team. I cannot wait for him to be wearing that A on his head for everyone to see, question, laugh about. It's the big game going social!

Check out this cartoon which I made sure to make a big deal on Facebook after the SEC Championship. ROLL TIDE!!!


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