Hey, did you know Ke$ha is in rehab? I'm being sarcastic. How could anyone miss it? Even the person under a rock, under the bridge, off the grid, out of the country, on a rocket to the moon... they have all heard about the pop star's rehab stint for an eating disorder. But, have you heard about the jewelry?

Ke$ha is now relaying messages to her Twitter account. She thanks fans for their support. Also, there was an odd request, send teeth!


What? Ke$ha needs teeth to make art? To make jewelry. Forget the shark teeth you find at your favorite Gulf Shores souvenir store, we're talking human chompers! How creepy. To think there are fans who are more than willing to send their donations. That's even more weird! This can't be real.

TMZ.com has reported that Ke$ha's rehab won't let her accept real teeth because of health concerns. But, it's ok for the fake stuff. What are fans going to do now, sneak into grandma's bedroom and look around the night stand for dentures.

The moral of the story, if you see Ke$ha jewelry go up for sale anytime soon, you may want to think twice about where it came from. Just saying.

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