You're invited to join us for the Tuscaloosa Youth First YMCA 8K on Saturday, May 30th! This race will go a long way to help support local Y youth programs too!

The YMCA's Youth First Campaign ensures that no one is turned away. The YMCA provides financial assistance for families in our community so they can afford for their children to play sports or to partake in Y literacy programs in summer camp. It all falls in line with the YMCA Mission, "to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all."

Check it out, there will be cash prizes for the top finishers, with $50 for 1st, $35 for 2nd, and $20 for 3rd. Plus, awards will be presented for the top 3 male and female finishers in age groups separated by 5 years.

Race registrations is $30 for this official Tuscaloosa Track Club Grand Prix Event. The first 75 will a receive a t-shirt on race day, and all participants will be entered into a drawing for DOOR PRIZES! Ah yeah, who doesn't love door prizes?! So, you'll need to stick around to listen out for your name.

Quick Facts:
YMCA 8K (race course map)
Saturday - May 30, 2015
Cost $30
Registration - 7am
Race Start Time - 8am

Event Location:
YMCA Downtown Tuscaloosa
2405 Paul W Bryant Dr (map)

Race Application:
Click Here

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