This past Saturday, DCH SportsMedicine hosted their annual Fund Run. Check out this collection of photos capturing the moment.

Overall, I would say the day went well, raised money for local athletics, scored a plaque and a doughnuts. Not too shabby.

Leading up to the race I invited Sheryl Hendrix and Mary T Long into the B101.7 studio to explain what all this 'fund' provides. They explained the nature of what they do in the community supporting local athletic programs. Do you realize they help out by providing protective and preventative athletics equipment for area schools.

A nice crowd gathered to run the 5K (3.1 miles) course near the school. An interesting course, in that it slopes down, then up, then down, up, down and up. Get all of that? Some of those hills are little tougher than others. The race ends going up hill. It's interesting and challenging.

A few photos from the morning, like a start line selfie.


Once the race was completed, guess what I do? Oh, head to the table of freshly glazed Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Yep, a brief flashback to the challenge of 12 doughnuts and 2 miles. Haha.


I was excited to see I placed 3rd in my age group! Now, that's a nice looking plaque. Get this, this is the third consecutive year that I've placed 3rd.


Loads of door prizes, but my number didn't come up.


Here's Sheryl Hendrix of DCH SportsMedicine addressing the crowd after the race. Nice job Sheryl on the race, from your and your team!


Finishing up, an announcement was made about moving the race next year. It has been at Tuscaloosa County High School for as long as I can remember. Tentatively, the race will move to Lake Lurleen State Park and be a trail run in 2016. Huh, that sounds good. There is also talk about adding a bicycling race too. Okay, as long as the runner don't have to race the bikes. Oh wait, it would be different races.

I'll be sure to pass along anything I hear about it.

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