It's time celebrate the 4th of July! Around West Alabama, that means fireworks. Sure, many of us will go watch the fireworks somewhere. But, it's a tradition for a lot of us to buy arms full of fireworks too!

Thanks to a few unintelligent friends, we get to witness fireworks fails! Yes, the friends who to get too cute and things go wrong.

The video below is from 'America's Funniest Video' it features a montage of wacky moments. Watch the homemade grand finale fail, or the guy who thinks dancing on a bucket of fireworks is good, fail. The sparkler bike, another fail. The odd dude with a horse head and a back of fireworks, a fail for being so strange. Oh, and the little girl who took one too many steps backwards as she makes a splash into the pool.

Here are a few safety tips provided by the American Red Cross on how to not to go viral on YouTube from your dumb fail.

FIREWORKS SAFETY The best way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a public fireworks show put on by professionals. Here are five safety steps for people setting fireworks off at home:
1. Never give fireworks to small children, and always follow the instructions on the packaging.
2. Keep a supply of water close by as a precaution.
3. Make sure the person lighting fireworks always wears eye protection.
4. Light only one firework at a time and never attempt to relight "a dud."
5. Never throw or point a firework toward people, animals, vehicles, structures or flammable materials.

Be safe and Happy 4th of July!


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