My husband is a great guy. He's a wonderful father; he's my best friend, and he puts up with my myriad of neuroses. I'm willing to forgive pretty much all of his flaws--except this one thing. I cannot STAND it when he does this!

I'll ignore the snoring. I can overlook his complete inability to put dishes in the dishwasher or put his dirty clothes IN the hamper and not leave them tossed haphazardly on the bathroom floor. THIS IS WHERE I DRAW THE LINE:

This tube of toothpaste is a hot mess!
This tube of toothpaste is a hot mess!

Just look at it. UGH. I absolutely can't stand when he does this. He just grabs the tube of toothpaste and squeezes. Like just picks the tube up in his palm like a caveman and makes a primitive fist around the tube to get the toothpaste out. TOTAL CHAOS.

See how much better this looks? How much easier it is to use?
See how much better this looks? How much easier it is to use?

THIS is how you squeeze out toothpaste. You keep the tube nice and neat. Maybe I'm just too OCD, but I cannot abide the mangled toothpaste tube. Lucky for me--my husband and I have separate bathrooms. If not, there'd be a constant toothpaste battle in our otherwise peaceful home.

What does your significant other do that drives you absolutely insane?

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