It's the video clip showing the amphitheater sing along to the Foreigner hit song, "I Want To Know What Love Is." The very short, 15 seconds video clip that does capture a group of local school kids on the big stage.

When the group began to perform the power ballad, I was inspired to shoot video. But, in attempt to make it more amusing, short video with frequent edits. The idea, hey I'll sing a line in the song and then let the group follow me. That happens.

Then, a surprise, a bunch of Tuscaloosa kids come on the stage while the song is still going. Check it out, it's Holy Spirit's 4th grade choir to sing the chorus. How cool is that. So, the rest of the video features them. Singing and then the crowd reaction. Ha! I say the rest of the video, like it's a long time. In reality, it's seconds.

Only problem, you can't really see anyone to well on that stage. I really need to get a cellphone that has a camera with zoom. Another example is the below photo. Can you see the guy on stage playing the cowbell. Yes, a cowbell. Probably not. Will Ferrell would be disappointed.


Well, here's the video! Watch and enjoy.

What is so awesome about the local choir coming out, is how it stays true to the original recording. See the video below.

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