There are approximately 800,000 law enforcement officers who serve our communities and our country which boasts a population of over 318,000,000.To date, 88 law enforcement officers nationwide have lost their lives in the line of duty in 2015. Four of those occurred in Alabama. Last year, 133 officers lost their lives and in 2013, we said goodbye to 119.

The term 'thin blue line' reveals additional layers in meaning.

The current landscape is not a friendly one to those who swore the oath to protect and serve. Recruitment for new officers is down because who can blame anyone for not wanting a career where those you want to help hate you.

Saturday, September 19, is National Thank A Police Officer Day. While you're enjoying your game experience on the Quad, why not take a moment to offer a word of appreciation to the officer you're likely to pass as you make your way to the stadium? Why not take a moment to display a blue band (painter's tape works great!) somewhere on your clothes as a gesture of solidarity or acknowledgment of their sacrifice?

I'm sure they'll enjoy the support after spending hours providing security, directing traffic, offering directions, and assisting fans who may suffer injury to name a few, before they get to do it all over again AFTER they game.

Our law enforcement community deserves your support. More importantly, they need it.

“The police officer who puts their life on the line with no superpowers, no X-Ray vision, no super-strength, no ability to fly, and above all no invulnerability to bullets, reveals far greater virtue than Superman—who is only a mere superhero.”
―Eliezer Yudkowsky

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