More emotionally tough news hits the Kidd Kraddick in the Morning show. On Monday (10/28) show co-host and producer Psycho Shannon reveals that she has a brain tumor.

Swelling on her face and numbness are what led Shannon to have an MRI. On Wednesday October 23rd, Shannon's doctor called to share the results. October 23rd was Kidd's Kids Day 2013. A day where money is raised for children with severe illnesses and physical challenges to experience the magic of Disney.  But, it was the first after the passing of Kidd Kraddick.  This was the day when Shannon received an update about her health.

Now, the entire radio family knows what is ahead for Shannon.  As details of the tumor say it is wrapped around her brain stem and cerebellum. Doctors do believe the tumor is benign. The surgery to remove calls for a pair of neurosurgeons.

When will the surgery happen? Shannon has one request, it must wait until after the upcoming Kidd's Kids trip to Disney.

Please join us supporting Shannon with your thoughts and prayers.

Watch Pyscho Shannon make her brain tumor announcement:

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