Is this photo being misunderstood?
You might have seen this newfound meme online.
Yesterday, a protest was being held in St.Louis Missouri against the Mayor of that city. Protesters broke into a private gated area and roamed around until they found the Mayor's house and held a non-violent protest (no one was hurt, but property was damaged). During all of these events, photos and videos have emerged of a couple holding an AR-15 and a pistol at their footsteps of their own home. The crowd of 200 plus people were parading through a private neighborhood that they had no reason to be their unless they live there, know someone personally they were visiting or had a justifiable reason to break in.
What I see in this photo is three things:
- People defending their property.
- People using their 2nd Amendment right.
- Poor use of gun handling.
If a crowd of people were congregating on my property for a reason that is unknown to me, you bet I'd protect my kin and my property. I would kill and die for the people I love. We all have the right to own guns here in America. A right that has been given to us at the conception of this country. Lastly, If you do own a gun. Only point it at someone if you're intending to shoot, not to petrify someone or some people. Scare tactics with a weapon are a bit cowardly and childish. Take a class to know and respect your weapon, come on.
These people had every right to grab their weapons and protect, but they did it the wrong way. Now they are a meme till the day they die.
The question I leave you is this:
If a crowd of people were on your property for reasons that were beyond you, would you try to protect the people you love and things you worked hard for?