With schools closing and other businesses preparing for inclement weather, it's undoubtedly going to be a night in for many (if the snow actually comes). With that being said, what indoor activities will you have planned?

Even before the weather, my block experienced a blackout last night. I called Alabama Power's outage report line and discovered it would be around two hours before my power would be restored. So, I used the light from my phone to pack my daughter a bag and took her to my brother's house. I then came home, took a hot candle-lit shower, piled some blankets on my bed, and went to sleep. I was asleep before 8:30.

While sleeping was ideal for me, I knew it wouldn't be for my daughter, which is why I took her to my brother's. (I have the most awesomely supportive brothers and sisters, by the way. Just thought I'd throw that in there.) So, anyway, I have no plans of just sleeping the weather away this evening. If the gymnastics meet happens to be postponed, and I hope it's not, I think we'll make some grilled cheese sandwiches and soup, maybe bake some cookies and make hot cocoa to enjoy once we come in from playing outside. A board game or movie might be in order, as well.

What do you have planned? Any special "cold weather" recipes you'd like to share? Chili? Soup? Know someone who makes the best of either? Tag them. Plan to make it a romantic evening? Tonight might be a good one for it!

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