Halloween is one of the greatest holidays: you get to dress up in costume, score copious amounts of free candy, and scare yourself to death by watching an excess of horror films. Take a look at my favorite horror movies and then add them all to your Netflix cue. It's about to get scary up in here.

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    The Awakening (2011)

    I stumbled across The Awakening on Netflix one day and was like, "Why Not?" This tragic tale makes for a lovely film with a few genuine scares along the way. It's not a terrifying movie by any means, but it is terribly entertaining.

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    The Orphanage (2007)

    This film from Guillermo Del Toro is a suspenseful heart-breaker. It's a Spanish film, which means you'll have to read subtitles; I promise you, The Orphanage is worth it.

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    Night of the Living Dead (1968)

    It's not Halloween until you've seen George A. Romero's classic zombie flick at least once. As far as I am concerned, this is the greatest zombie film of all time. I will not dispute this fact. If you haven't watched it yet, do so as soon as possible.

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    Carnival of Souls (1962)

    Carnival of Souls is no cinematic masterpiece. It's a pretty terrible movie, but it's so bad that it's good. I love a campy horror film, and it doesn't get any better than Carnival of Souls. If you can get through the Carnival Organ scene without laughing, I will personally give you a high-five.

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    The Shining (1980)

    I don't think I really have to describe this one. Stanley Kubrick's adaption of the Stephen King classic is a pop culture icon, and you are a bold-faced LIAR if you didn't scream like a little girl the first time you saw Jack Nicholson axe his way through that locked door.

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    Poltergeist (1982)

    I remember watching Poltergeist against my parents' wishes as a kid, and the horror contained in this Spielberg classic certainly taught me a lesson about listening to my parents' advice. I seriously slept with a night light on for like a solid week after the first time I saw Poltergeist. You know the movie's supposedly cursed, right? Curse or no curse: I am still terrified of clowns forever; thanks for that, Stephen Spielberg.

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    The Others

    This is one of my favorite movies of all time regardless of genre. I'm not the biggest Nicole Kidman fan, but this movie is flawless. It's such an original telling of a 'ghost' story, and even though seeing it once spoils the surprise ending, I could still watch this movie a thousand times and not get tired of it.

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    Insidious (2011)

    This is where things start to get REAL. I was legitimately SCARED while watching Insidious. I remember hiding behind a blanket (and later my husband) while we watched it at home. Things get kind of weird by the film's end, but it's a thrill ride I don't mind taking. I haven't seen the sequel yet, but I hear it's equally as awesome.

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    Sinister (2012)

    I was petrified for about 95% of this movie, and I am not even kidding about that. This film is unnerving, so much so that I had trouble sleeping the night we watched it at home. My husband didn't even make fun of me for it; he was probably scared, too. My Pro Tip here: watch this one in broad daylight.

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    The Conjuring (2013)

    I finally saw The Conjuring this weekend, and I can tell you with complete and utter certainty that it is THE SCARIEST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN. The film is based on case files from acclaimed demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren; knowing the film is based on a true story makes it all the more frightening. I am not lying to you: I was literally in tears by the time The Conjuring ended. This movie made me wish I had a night light in my room, and I'm like 30 years old. The Conjuring is next-level scary, which earns it top honors in my list.

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