Foo Fighters front man Dave Grohl didn't let breaking his leg during a concert stop him from finishing the show!

As the band was into their second song of a Friday night concert in Sweden, Dave Grohl misjudged his jump and tumbled off the stage into a security pit. A fan video shows his fall and then out of sight.  There wasn't a quick jump right back up, so you knew that he was hurt pretty bad.

Hemma efter en av de märkligaste konserter jag upplevt.Foo Fighters på Ullevi.Sångaren/gitarristen Dave Grohl ramlar av scenen i andra låten och bryter benet, han blåser först av konserten men resten av bandet lirar ett par covers. Därefter kommer han upp på scenen för att sittandes på en stol fortsätta konserten.Efter ytterligare några låtar bär dom ut honom och han får benet gipsat.Fortsätter ömsom hoppandes på kryckor ömsom sittande med ett stort leende och rockar värre än dom flesta stående musiker man sett.True Fighter!Jag filmade detta eftersom Monkey Wrench är en av favoritlåtarna.Och låten "My hero" fick plötsligt en ny innebörd.Varning för starka!!

Posted by Thomas Hultbrand on Friday, June 12, 2015


In another fan video, Dave Grohl is seen laying on a stretcher saying, "I think I just broke my leg. I think I really broke my leg." Surely, this means the show is over.  Still, Dave promised the crowd, he would be back to play.  Sure enough, after a quick visit to the hospital, he returned with a cast on his leg to pickup where he left off!  This can be stuff from a fairy tale type movie, which can seem unrealistic.  Think again, this is for real!

What Dave Grohl did was nothing short of amazing.  Here is this superman willing to put his pain aside for the love of performing for his fans.  As the Foo Fighters song sings, "there goes my hero."



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