Unless your business card says "Professional Hot Fudge Sundae Tester" or "Member of LeBron James’ Entourage," odds are you don't have one of the best jobs in the world. The good people of Australia want to change that, though.

The country has announced a new contest called “Best Jobs in the World,” in which six people will win a dream job for six months. Since the title of the competition makes a pretty bold statement about the quality of the gigs, you can be sure the work is a far cry from the 9-5-stuck-in-a-cubicle existence so many of us endure.

Perhaps the most intriguing position up for grabs is “Chief Funster.” Yes, that’s the actual name. And, no it’s not the Down Under version of a bar mitzvah party starter. Instead, this person will have the arduous task of going to festivals and other events and reviewing them on Twitter. This lucky soul will also be a Sydney VIP. We don’t know if that means you get first crack at trying to convince Men At Work to do a reunion tour or decide which shrimp to put on which barbie, but  “VIP” always comes with some amazing perks, so you know it's a good thing.

Other ridiculously fantastic jobs being offered include park ranger, lifestyle photographer, wildlife caretaker, Outback adventurer and taste master; a position which requires the winning applicant to find the best bars and restaurants. So basically, this guy or gal will be earning a salary to eat, drink and be merry.

Applications are being accepted until April 11 and each job begins August 1. The winners will also be paid $50,000, plus another 50 grand for living expenses, which means the best jobs in the world also have some pretty darned good compensation.

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