Here's comes a classic example of, "why didn't I think of that?" A simple video demonstration will likely change the way you look at a ketchup cup, forever!

Yes, the little paper cups used at restaurants to hold a small amount of ketchup. They're perfect for dipping. But, since they are so small, not that much dipping for your french fries. If you're like me, you end up filling 2 or 3 of these cups. Well, sorry to say, we've been doing it wrong for all these years!

Below, watch the short video demonstration featuring a guy with a funny accent. The accent is literally funny, as it made me lol. He sounds a bit like a mad scientist. Maybe more like the 'Swedish Chef' from the Muppets. Anyway, he gets the last laugh, as he out smarts us with a better way to use the cups. The guy shows a method of making the cups bigger to hold more ketchup. It makes for better dipping and less waste.

Prepare yourself, ketchup cups as you've known them are about to change:

Compare the ketchup cup guy's accent to the famous 'Swedish Chef' Muppet in this video:

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