All of the weekly winners of Bud Light Rockstar Karaoke at 4th & 23rd returned to compete in the finals for the grand prize of $500 cash!

Finals night is by far my favorite night of the competition with all the energy and excitement from the crowd with so many there to cheer on their friend! The finalists are nervous with butterflies hoping they have picked the right songs and they sing them well. You can feel that raw energy.

After each contestant sings two songs, all the finalists return to the stage. I then announce each of them and ask the crowd to cheer for their favorite. On an average week, the cheering gets loud. On finals night, it is stadium cheering loud. I bet you can almost hear the yelling from 4th & 23rd down by the river. Yah, loud!

We started with 10 contestants and through rounds of crowd votes by cheering, we had two remaining Olivia and Adam. At this point the bar was just about split in half on who they wanted to win. It was close... the winner, Olivia! Congrats!

Here's a photo gallery of our finalists:

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