Stop whatever you're doing and watch this right now; it's the cutest thing you'll see all day! My daughter, Dolly, has always loved music. I guess my efforts as a preggo Meggo are paying off--I used to place headphones on my belly and blast music to her. Dolly's quite the little audiophile, and now she can add dancer to her petite resume.

We spent about 56% of this past weekend dancing. She asked for the following songs by name, so I would play them and we'd dance. I tried to play other tunes, but chickadee WAS NOT having any of it. She would dance to these songs and nothing else:

I'd blast the tunes, and we'd break it down. Dolly also insisted on appropriate attire--before asking to dance, she'd ask me to help her put on a "pretty dress." She found the dress she wore to my sister's wedding back in October, and (I have no idea why) she had to wear that sucker all weekend.

I'm not exaggerating here--when she woke up yesterday morning, she came into my room with the dress on backwards over her PJ's. After several attempts to change her outfit, I caved and let her wear the dress. It's almost too small for her anyway, so why not let her live it up?

I need to take more videos of my tiny dancer in action, and I need to get this kid in some dance classes. Did your kids go to dance class or are they currently enrolled in a dance class? I'd really appreciate it if y'all could hook me up with a recommendation or two. Just comment below with the names and info... and have I told you lately that you're the best? Because you are. :)

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