When my sister asked if I would play in 4-person charity golf tournament with my sisters and mom, I knew this was a MUST-DO!

Let start by saying none of us are regular golfers, so goofy golf was in order, and that was totally fine with all of us. Add to it, my mom is known to do and say things unintentionally which are hysterical. There was no way the day would end without having some kind of priceless video.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the video to happen. My mom lines up to drive the ball with her club, but she's holding the club backwards! You see she is lefty, and someone let her borrow a lefty set. But, she lined up to swing like a right and that made the club backwards. The rounded side faced the ball, not the flat surface. I was waiting for how the ball would carry from that swing.

Here take a look for yourself! This video so need to be sent to a show like Tosh.O, don't you think?

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