If you're like me, your Facebook timeline is filled with videos and statuses about "The Cold Water Challenge." It's a way to raise money for charity (which I think is awesome), but the idea behind it is, well... dumb.

Have you finished yelling at your computer screen yet? Now you can hear me out. Take a deep breath and resume reading...

I have no idea who started the whole water challenge thing. I have no idea where it began. From what I gather, you tag a bunch of friends in a Facebook status daring them to donate X amount of $$ to a charity within 24 hours; those who fail to do so must upload a video of themselves jumping into a cold body of water and/or having cold water dumped on them.

I get that it's all in good fun. I think that's (BAD PUN ALERT) cool. But here's why I think "The Cold Water Challenge" is dumb: YOU CAN JUST DONATE TO CHARITY ANYWAY.

Like, you don't need someone calling you out on Facebook with the threat of an embarrassing video to donate to charity. All you have to do is... do it. Take some food to the West Alabama Food Bank. Volunteer to be a mentor. Give some cash to the United Way or whatever organization you want to support. It's (BAD PUN ALERT #2) pretty cut and dry.

At the end of the day, just do whatever. It doesn't matter what I think. If dousing a pitcher of ice water over your head sounds appealing, by all means go for it. I get it: it's 67 million degrees outside with 90% humidity, so who wouldn't want an icy reprieve? I feel you. Ain't no way you're going to see me upload a video of myself doing that, but hey: I don't judge. Most of the time.

If you're into The Cold Water Challenge, have at it. But keep this in mind...


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