The case of Adnan Syed will be explored further in a new podcast that premieres this month.The world became familiar with Adnan's crime and conviction when the NPR podcast "Serial" attracted millions of listeners last fall.

"Undisclosed: The State v. Adnan Syed," a new podcast debuting on April 13, was put together by lawyer (and Adnan's cousin) Rabia Chaudry along with lawyers Susan Simpson and Colin Miller. The series will be told from an investigative perspective and promises to reveal new information about the 1999 murder of Hae Min Lee.

From the podcast's official site:

The remarkable success of the podcast "Serial", which brought to light the many questions that remained unresolved in this case, also left many questions unanswered. In the wake of Serial, much new evidence and information has been discovered and uncovered thanks to the investigations of attorneys Susan Simpson, Colin Miller, and the Adnan Syed Legal Trust.

"Undisclosed" will examine and explore the case in greater detail, from an investigatory perspective instead of a narrative one. The first episode will launch on April 13, 2015.

The Adnan Syed Trust owes a tremendous debt of gratitude to its donors for providing the Trust with the means to sponsor this new podcast.

For more on "Undisclosed," check out THIS article from the Baltimore Sun.

I can't wait to tune in to the new podcast, and I am more than curious about the new evidence and details set to be revealed. I started listening to "Serial" after my back surgery in December, and within a week I was OBSESSED with the case.

Will you check out "Undisclosed?"

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