The Tuscaloosa Public Library Reference and Genealogy Librarian is on a military mission to collect veterans stories to create a virtual library. 

Jennie Claybrook and her husband honeymooned in Hawaii and after a visit to the U.S.S Arizona Memorial she was inspired to tell the stories of West Alabama veterans as far back as WWI.

"The idea is to tell their stories, to show who they were, some of them were very young, some of them were 17 and 18-years-old when they died," she told ABC 33/40.

More than 500 people in West Alabama were killed in WWI and WWII. She is now searching for those military members, but one thing is missing: females.

"I haven't come across any females yet, though I'm sure there are some that died in service," Claybrook said. "I'm really hoping that people will take a look at that list and see a family member or somebody that they know, like oh that uncle is not on that list, or is, and give us some information."

The project has become personal and Claybrook is looking for anything to help tell the veterans' stories.

To contribute information to the virtual museum, call the Tuscaloosa Public Library 205-345-5820.

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