Tornadoes, Severe Storms Cause Major Damage, Claim Three Lives in Alabama
Last night's severe storms resulted in heavy damage throughout the state, where multiple tornadoes are believed to have touched down. The National Weather Service will send crews out today to assess reports and confirm that damage was caused by tornadoes.
Sadly, three people lost their lives in last night's storms. Jackson County Chief Deputy Rocky Harnen tells ABC 33/40 News that the three people were in a mobile home in Rosalie; one other person in the home was critically injured.
The Lamar County Airport sustained heavy damage in last night's storms, and reports coming out of Winston County indicate that multiple tornadoes may have touched down. There are also reports of major damage in DeKalb County, where four children were critically injured at a daycare facility.
If you have damage reports, please send them to us. You can tweet or message our Meteorologist Bobby Best at @WX4ALA.