Women are our own worst critics. Recent research reveals that only FOUR percent of women believe they are beautiful. The latest ad from Dove's Real Beauty campaign highlights the vast disparity in how we think we look and how others see us.

After watching this ad, I cried. No joke: I literally cried. Being a woman is hard. From a young age we're taught that being "pretty" is our ultimate goal, and we then spend the rest of our lives striving to meet society's ridiculous beauty standards. I know the pain, the frustration, the embarrassment that comes along with believing that your looks make you inferior--of looking in the mirror and over analyzing everything you see--of believing that you will never, ever be good enough.

This ad struck a chord within me, and not just because I don't believe I am "beautiful." It resonated with me because I thought of my daughter, my perfect, sweet, innocent daughter--and how one day, she'll know the pain of being judged not on merit, virtue, or accomplishments, but on one thing and one thing alone: her looks.

How do I, as a mother, shelter her from that? Is it something I can even do? I know I want to, and for now, the change begins with ME.

I don't want her to grow up and see me spending hours scrutinizing flaws in the mirror, lamenting each wrinkle, each grey hair, each extra pound. I want to see myself as beautiful. I know she sees me that way: to her, I am everything that is good in this world--I am comfort, love, tummy tickles, giggles, cuddles, food, and goodnight kisses. Who am I to tell her that she is wrong? That my stretch marks or crow's feet somehow negate the love she feels for me?

I am beautiful.

You are, too. Each one of us is capable of great things and great kindness. You do not have to base your self-worth in relation to the celebrities you see on shamefully over-Photoshopped magazine covers, reality shows, and swimsuit ads. Please stop being so hard on yourself. You can do so many wonderful things. You can help so many people. Look into the mirror today and say just this one thing...

I am beautiful.

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