Here in T-Town, we have our own way of doing things. It's not our fault we're this awesome, and those who don't live in Title Town may not be down with the way we take care of business. What makes Tuscaloosans so different?

The crew at Movoto recently complied a list of the 10 Things Only People From Tuscaloosa Understand. I read the list this morning, and I think they're pretty spot-on.

I mean, the first point they bring up is GAME DAY. Y'all know Game Day (proper noun) calls for special plans and preparations--from the way you dress to the roads you drive. I read point #1 and I was like the Movoto crew GETS IT. My husband and I live off a road that sees a HUGE influx of Game Day traffic, and my biggest fear while being a Preggo Meggo was that the ambulance couldn't get to my house in time (Game Day traffic), and I would have to deliver my baby in my bathtub. Roll Tide.

Check out Movoto's full list HERE. What do you think? Did they leave something out?

What would you add to the list?

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