Treat Yo Self

Life as a New Mom: Taking Time to Treat Yourself
Life as a New Mom: Taking Time to Treat Yourself
Life as a New Mom: Taking Time to Treat Yourself
Parks and Recreation's Tom and Donna have taught me well: You've got to treat yourself. Being a mother means you are always on-the-go, and running around like a borderline crazy person 24/7 can seriously take its toll on you. Trust me, fellow mommas: treat yo self.
Indulge Today and Celebrate ‘Treat Yo Self’ Wednesday
Indulge Today and Celebrate ‘Treat Yo Self’ Wednesday
Indulge Today and Celebrate ‘Treat Yo Self’ Wednesday
I am elated that NBC decided to renew one of my favorite shows, Parks and Recreation. In honor of Season Six with the Pawnee crew, I decided to declare today as a day to "Treat Yo Self." Here's the things in which I am indulging today. Gotta live large, y'all!