If you ever question Nick Saban's focus during the college football season, just stop.
One of the craziest days in United States history unfolded on Tuesday as Donald Trump became the 45th president, and the Alabama head coach didn't even realize it was going on
"To be honest with you, I didn't even know yesterday was election day," Saban said...
Don't let these fake flyers fool you--there's only ONE Election Day. Someone has posted flyers around Tuscaloosa claiming that all Democrats are supposed to vote on Wednesday, November 9th.
Editor's Note: News Director Don Hartley provided this preview of a historic day in America.
Every four years pundits label the presidential election as being historic. To a degree they are correct because each national election decides the path the country will trod for at least the following four years...
The most talked about election in United States history will take place on Tuesday, November 8 and it's your chance to vote on who should lead the country for the next four years.
The polls will open at 7AM in Alabama and each resident has a designated polling place near their home...