With all of the woes in the recent years, Stillman College has announced GREAT news: Designation as a historic district.

In an email from the institution, it was stated:

On June 23, 2016, The Alabama Historical Commission listed Stillman College to the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage as “Stillman College Campus Historic District, Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa County”.

With this designation, Stillman is eligible to have a historic marker placed on the campus.

President Peter Millet says he's pleased with the designation and that the identification will be featured prominently in the story of Stillman College.

The designation alone could aid in visitation to Stillman College and other economic opportunities as interest in its historical importance expands. So, even though the school has a number of hurdles to overcome, it doesn't seem to be "out" just yet, leaving only one statement to be said. "Hail O hail, Stillman!"

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