The Mandalorian, the first-ever live-action Star Wars series, launches this fall on Disney+. At Star Wars Celebration 2019, the show was unveiled in front of a huge conventional hall by writer/producer Jon Favreau and director/producer Dave Filoni, along with the stars of the series: Actors Pedro Pascal, Gina Carano, and Carl Weathers.

Favreau said he’d been working on the project for a long time, and was particularly interested in exploring the period after Star Wars: Episode VI — Return of the Jedi, when the Empire is defeated and “chaos” reigns throughout the Galaxy in the power vacuum they leave behind. He cited Westerns and samurai films as his influences. (A Star Wars property inspired by Westerns and samurai films? Madness!) Carano revealed that she plays Cara Dune, a former Rebel soldier having trouble reintegrating into society. Weathers is Greef, the leader of a group of bounty hunters who hires Pascal’s Mandalorian for an assignment.

The group showed off footage that was not presented online, and also unveiled some new photos from the show:

The Mandalorian will be available on Disney+ on its launch day, which is scheduled for November 12, 2019.

Gallery — Every Star Wars Movie Ranked, From Worst to First:

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