We're hooking you up with a chance to see the New Kids on the Block (along with the Goo Goo Dolls and many other amazing artists) at Live at the Vineyard. Grab a copy of TigerBeat and find your cassette player, because it's time to fire up the Way Back Machine and relive the New Kids glory days with yours truly.

Hangin' Tough was my jam. I tried so hard to replicate the weird leg swing/pendulum dance the guys do in this video and was beaming with pride when my older sister and I figured the dance out. We put our New Kids VHS in and made our entire family watch us dance along.

New Kids on the Block Poster Puzzle

I am 100% honest when I tell you that I owned this puzzle. I assembled ALL FIVE HUNDRED PIECES, glued them together, and then made my grandmother take me to Michael's to frame it. It hung on the back of my bedroom door as a testament to my undying devotion to Joey... which regrettably faded once I started watching more Home Improvement and crushing on JTT. (Sidenote: whatever happened to Jonathan Taylor Thomas, y'all?)

(You Got It) The Right Stuff: Yet another rad song from the New Kids. I remember my Dad's singing the Wierd Al version to me all the time to make me mad. It worked. I was like, "Dad--stop making fun of the NKOTB! They're serious musicians, okay?" This memory is especially hysterical to me now.

New Kids on the Block Magazine

What would retro NKOTB fandom be without a collage of magazine clippings of the guys? I remember cutting out pictures of Joey and Jordan and taping them to my bedroom wall, because one day, Joey or Jordan were destined to fall in love with me and be impressed by my devotion. In retrospect, this wasn't a great idea. In fact, it's kind of creepy... let's move on, shall we?

Step By Step: This is my favorite New Kids song and video. It's catchy; the video is uber-cheesy, and it's everything I love about early 90's nostalgia. I also can't help but laugh every time I remember that Donny Wahlberg is Mark Wahlberg's brother now, and they both take the "craft" of acting seriously.

Now that you've revived your interest in the New Kids, make sure you enter to see them LIVE AT THE VINEYARD! You can hang in Napa Valley, sip some wine, and rock out with the NKOTB and Goo Goo Dolls at this super-exclusive event. Enter today!

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