If I see one more nasty comment about Kim's weight I am going to scream. What's the deal, people; why y'all gotta be so mean?

First things first, I can't stand Kim Kardashian or any member of the KardashiJenner crew. I'll give it to Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney, though: girls know how to HUSTLE. They have already amassed a fortune so large they probably finish filming episodes of their reality show and then go jump in a silo of money à la Scrooge McDuck.

Everyone knows by now that Kim Kardashian is pregnant. She's expecting a child with her boyfriend Kanye West. As Kim's pregnancy has progressed, it's been article after article, photo after photo mocking her weight gain: She's a blimp. She's a whale. She's out of control. Kayne's going to dump her because she's such a wide load. LOL LOL LOL.

Please, America, shut up about Kim Kardashian's weight.

One: her body is making another person right now. That's kind of a big deal. I don't believe supermodels who say they only gained five pounds during their pregnancies and then lost it five seconds after having the baby by eating quinoa cooked in Evian and working out 24/7. Those women are a) liars or b) winners of the genetic lottery.

The last trimester of pregnancy is MISERABLE. You are literally carrying around a person inside your body. You have to gain weight to support the baby: your blood volume increases, your body changes to prepare for breastfeeding, and sometimes, you swell up like the Stay-Puft marshmallow dude from Ghostbusters. You don't sleep; you're hormonal, and every day is the longest day of your life. Pregnancy is a miracle, but on the real: it sucks sometimes. Okay, most of the time.

That's a fact of life. Kim's not immune to it. NO ONE IS. Why, then, are people so obsessed with her weight and appearance?

When we laugh at another woman for being a "cow," what lesson are we teaching your own daughters? That their self-worth is only measured by the way they look or a number on a scale?

Kim Kardashian's body belongs to Kim Kardashian and Kim Kardashian alone. She is a celebrity, but her body is not public property. She and she alone decides what's best for her. Leave her alone and let her give birth to her child in peace.

Mother's Day is Sunday, so Kim, go do your thang. Eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's or eat three ounces of fresh fruit. It's all you, girl. You're pregnant; ENJOY IT.

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