Let's 'roll' out Tuesday's 'Name the Song' to win Roly Poly! Right here, get today's audio hint to help you win!

The way it works, I'll give you a snippet of a song for you to identify. Name the song and win Roly Poly! There's a twist, the short song clip is an instrumental cover, which makes it a tougher to figure out.

We'll play the game today at 5:20pm during the B101.7 Happy Hour! I'll let you know when it is time to call me at 345-1017 and get your chance to be a contestant. Right now, you have a chance to get today's featured song in advance, which gives you time to think about it and come up with the answer. Plus, if you know for sure what the song is, go ahead and enter it below to collect your B101.7 Insiders Club points. Otherwise, you can wait for the answer to be revealed on the air and come back here to plug in the song for those points.

Daily Audio Hint Clip for Tuesday May 14th

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