She's taking baby steps... and literal steps. I don't know that I am ready for this.  Dolly, my soon-to-be 11-month-old, is walking around the house. She has a new vTech 123 Walker that entertains her and assists her in walking upright. It also makes a lot of noise. Like, a ridiculously incessant amount of unbelievably LOUD and annoying noise. I'm asking for wooden toys and books for her birthday in September. I am 100% serious about that.

Anyway, I can't believe my little one is walking. She took a few unassisted steps towards me the other day, and I thought my heart would swell out of my chest. I've never been so proud of anyone or anything: My baby--walking!

I'm still in shock, but I've got a birthday party to plan. More on the shameful excess and over-the-top celebration I have in store for Dolly's 1st Birthday is coming soon...

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