Dolores is 10 months old today. That means she's considered an Infant for two more months, and then she's officially a Toddler. I am not ready.

I snapped this pic of her last weekend because she looked too cool for school.
I snapped this pic of her last weekend because she looked too cool for school.

I knew parenting would come with its own set of trials and tribulations. I knew it would be hard to deal with sleepless nights, diaper explosions, teething, bottles--all those things. I was prepared for that, but no one told me how hard this would be.

No one told me how heart-wrenching it would be to look at pictures of her on the day she was born. I am so, so happy to see my child thrive and grow, but my heart aches. It's all so bittersweet. I held the onesie she came from the hospital in the other day and was so overwhelmed with love for her that it rolled down my cheeks in hot tears.

I love to watch her laugh, giggle, and learn. She'll start walking any day now--which scares me not because I'm worried she'll trip and fall and skin a knee or two but because that means that soon she'll be walking out into the Great Wide Open, into places and towards things from which I cannot protect her.

It's only a matter of time.

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