My daughter recently turned one. She's talking; she's walking; she's all over the place. Every day is something new for us, and Dolly surprised me with something super-sweet this weekend!

It was a lazy Sunday at our house. We found a pair of plastic sunglasses that were handed out as party favors for her birthday celebration. Dolly tried them on a few times before the flimsy lenses fell out. They were a dollar store purchase, so it's not like I expected them to last. Before we tossed the cheapie shades out, I thought it would be funny to let Dolly wear the frames--like actual glasses.

Baby in Glasses and PJ's
Here she is before bedtime--still wearing her glasses.

She looked totally adorable. We joked about our new "hipster baby," but we had NO IDEA Dolly would love the glasses so much. She refused to let me or my husband take the glasses off. I thought she was just being silly, but my husband pointed something out to me:

"Maybe she wants to be like us."

My heart melted. My husband and I both wear glasses. I never would have made that connection if he hadn't pointed it out to me. My daughter just wanted to be like me. She wants to be like her mom.

I've tried to be the best mother I can be to Dolly in her first year of life. She will always be my baby, and now she's my big girl. She's a bright little toddler who wants to be like her momma, and that means I've got to start leading by example. The person my daughter, my mini-me, will become is a reflection of the person I am.

Mom and Baby in Glasses
We snapped this selfie together--just two awesome girls with glasses. NBD.

What a realization! I've got to get my act together, y'all. This 'parenting' business is getting REAL. I could wax philosophical all day on this, but I'll spare you. Instead you get a video bonus! Dolly acts exceptionally silly right before nap time or bed time. Her exhaustion-induced delirium always brings the funny, and lucky for you--I recorded her in action yesterday afternoon.

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