My daughter had her first official haircut this weekend--official as in "we went to an actual salon instead of my attempting to trim her hair and her ending up with a mullet." It was a big deal for me. I was proud before the panic set in: my daughter will be 2 in six weeks. Two years old--where has the time gone?

We had Dolly's hair cut into an angled bob. It is absolutely adorable, as displayed in the 'Gram below. Just look at how sweet she is. UGGGGH. I can't.

cuddling with Dad & watching 'Frozen' again

My husband decided to put Frozen on yesterday afternoon; we didn't think she'd watch the film in its entirety, as her attention span is about as long as her arm span. I was wrong. She climbed up onto the couch, cuddled next to her dad, and watched about an hour of the movie until she decided it would be more fun to jump on the couch and scream-sing "LET IT GOOOOO; LET IT GOOOO; LET IT GOOOO."

We take what we can get.

In the meantime, I haven't started planning her birthday party yet. I think I am in denial about the fact that she's TWO. The first birthday was tough, but it was also rewarding in that I could back myself on the back and be like, WAY TO GO, MEG. YOU DIDN'T ACCIDENTALLY KILL OR MAIM YOUR CHILD.

But the second birthday? Two years old? She's old enough to take CHILDREN'S Tylenol, not Infant's. She's talking in sentences. She likes to help around the house, to pick up her toys. She's named her toys.

And we're about to start potty training: JESUS, TAKE THE WHEEL.

Birdie likes to help #justbiggirlthings

It all goes by so fast. One of my best friends gave birth to a beautiful baby boy Friday morning. I looked at him and tried to remember what it was like on September 2, 2012: the day I held Dolly for the first time. She weighed five pounds, just five pounds. She was impossibly small, and now...

Now she's not afraid of anything. She's curious and clever, and I love her so much I can't stand it. I've watched her grow from a tiny preemie into a little girl. It's only going to be harder from here on out.

I was going to say something about how I'll be buying kindergarten supplies this time three years from now, but NOPE. NOT READY TO PROCESS THAT YET. Excuse me while I online shop for Hello Kitty party supplies now as a distraction...

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