The comforts of the desk job, sitting in the comfy chair while staring at a computer screen for hours of the day. All the while, enjoying the ideal controlled temperature. Surely, not a hazard, right? Some say, think again!

Health and wellness reporter Zelana Montimy proclaims that studies show prolonged periods of sitting at your desk could actually shave years off your life! Whoa! This report goes on to say, that sitting for 11 hours a day (between the desk and in the car) can increase your chance of death by 40%.

So much for the rationale of saying, hey, at least this job is better than digging ditches for a living. Hmm, that may actually be better for your health. I'm a bit freaked out right now, so I will stop typing at my desk and get off my butt for a few minutes.

In the meantime, see the full video report here.

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