This morning I forgot my phone at home. I'm driving along getting closer to work and it hits me, did I grab my phone? I started to pat down my pockets in a panic frenzy. Noooo, I don't have it! What an empty feeling. I had to do it, I turned around and went home to get it.

Now, there’s a true telling sign of the times. PSA! Phone separation anxiety. I can go a few hours without it, but not an entire workday. No way!

I’ve often thought how it would be nice to go on a vacation with no phone service to truly escape the daily grind. But, in reality, I’d probably hate such extreme isolation.

Another sign of phone obsession is the itch to check on it when around others. This is the gripe of many bloggers, calling it extremely rude to spend time on your phone when in social gatherings, like dinner. I agree. But, when you get that vibration for a text, call or email, the temptation to check is too great!

There is a great short video made on this topic. A girl spends a day without her phone and finds everyone glued to their mobile device. Watch it below.

Share a time when you forgot your phone or how you feel about friends and family being glued to the almighty phone.

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