Wondering how to keep your legs sexy and smooth this Spring? I've got one simple tip that will change your shaving game forever! You don't have to wax. You don't have to use some weird chemicals that burn the beejeezus out of your skin. You don't have to thread, tweeze, or do anything crazy. It's so simple you won't believe it.

Burt's Bees
Burt's Bees

Just use oil. I'm a big fan of Burt's Bees Mama Bee Nourishing Oil, but you can also use baby oil. If you think regular moisturizing oils are too slick, try baby oil gel. It stays in place while you shower which is super convenient.

Why oil? It moisturizes your skin deeply. Try it once and you'll feel the difference! You don't need a fancy shaving cream--just a regular oil. I have friends that swear by coconut oil. Just exfoliate your legs with a loofah or spa gloves and shave away.

You'll have smooth, sexy legs that last for DAYS. Just try it--I promise, you'll be converted in no time.

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