Welcome to Flashback Friday at B101.7! In the spotlight is the Swedish group, The Cardigans, who achieved international success with the chart topping hit, 'Lovefool.' In the video for the song, there is this small rectangle plastic thing shown. What in the world is that crazy thing??? Oh wait, that's a cassette tape. Ha! I'm old enough to remember making those special mix tapes.

Here's something wild, growing up I thought it was the coolest thing ever that Tower Records had this machine where you could pick out the songs you want and it would create your custom cassette tape! How awesome!  I could get a bunch of the current hits songs on one cassette.  Otherwise, a common way to do that was to record the songs off the radio.  I did that too.  But, I would find myself fast forwarding or rewinding lots of times to hear DJ breaks or hot jingles.  It's one of those things, I've wanted to be on the radio since I can remember.  I need to share a picture of me when I was like 3 playing DJ with my mickey mouse record player.

Our flashback year is 1996Here are a few fun facts from the year:

  • Famous Quotes: 'You had me at hello' and 'show me the money' - both are from the movie Jerry Maguire
  • Popular TV Shows: E.R.; Seinfeld; Suddenly Susan
  • Notable: Febreze fabric refresher began test-marketing;  the DVD was introduced; Travelocity opened online.  Early on, it was primarily travel agents who booked flights.

Watch the video and see for yourself that cassette tape I talked about earlier.


The Cardigans 'Lovefool'

Listen for the B101.7 Friday Flashback each Friday at 5pm with Greg Thomas during the 5 O'clock Happy Hour! Hear more flashbacks with the B101.7 Saturday Night Party (8p-1a) with Louie Linguini!


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