I saw a sign en route to the office today that read "Two Entree's & Appetizer $20." I cringed. I can't be the only person who is driven to near insanity by mistakes like this; right? RIGHT?

The egregious error in that sign? The plural form of the word is 'entrees;' no apostrophe is needed. An apostrophe is never needed to make the singular form of a noun plural. Mistakes like this annoy me to no extent.

Am I the only one who feels this way--or do you, too, cringe when you see someone write "Your beautiful!" to a paramour on Facebook? What of the misuse of apostrophes as evidenced in the photo above?

Where are my fellow English majors and Grammar Snobs? Cast your vote in the poll below. Please: I need to know I am not the only one.

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