I have talked about how last year the annual DCH Sports Medicine Fund Run served as my return to competitive running since high school. So, this will always be a special race to me.

Last year, my anything but spectacular training met a hot and humid May morning which translated into the sluggish struggle of a race. I don't exactly remember my time. But, I'm thinking it was somewhere around the 34 or 35 minute mark for the 5k (3.2 miles).

This year, it was 48 degrees and Sunny at Tuscaloosa County High School. A nice, cool morning, which was picture perfect to me. A year ago, I sweat so much from that running my t-shirt was soaked like someone sprayed me with the backyard garden hose. This year, some sweat, but not an uncomfortable feeling of being a human yard sprinkler kind of sweat. Ah, so much better. I finished at 29:16. Better yet, I felt fine, unlike a year ago where I felt like a truck just ran over me. Still there is ground to gain, the winner finished at 18:27! That's less than 6 minutes per mile run by the winner Matt Curtner-Smith. Amazing stuff.

Congrats to the organizers for putting on another outstanding race, their 15th annual. This includes the race organizer Sheryl Hendrix. Also, a big congrats to the speed demons who smoked me to finish Top 3 Men and Top 3 Women. Excellent job!

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