Looks like Chris Brown's feud with Frank Ocean isn't over...

For anyone who didn't know, the Grammy Awards were last night on CBS. I was not able to watch music's biggest night as it aired live last night; my DVR stepped in and saved the day, recording the show while I tended to a crying/feverish/teething baby.

Speaking of crying babies, Chris Brown was none too pleased last night when he lost the Best Urban Contemporary Album Grammy to Frank Ocean. Ocean's Channel Orange claimed the Grammy (winning out over Brown's Fortune), and as Frank made his way on stage to accept his award, he received a standing ovation from everyone in the crowd... everyone EXCEPT Chris Brown. Let's take a look at the screen shot below:

image credit: CBS
image credit: CBS

Look at that straight-up SCOWL on Chris' face. Come on; could he have not at least been polite enough to applaud? I am also amused by the looks of disapproval Adele and Ed Sheeran are directing at Chris. I wonder if he felt the serious shade they were dishing out his way...

It appears the riff between Frank Ocean and Chris Brown isn't mending any time soon. The two got into a fight over a parking spot outside a recording studio last month; punches were thrown, and Frank Ocean said Chris Brown called him several homophobic slurs before threatening to shoot him. Frank Ocean did not press charges.

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