Mark Thompson, Getty Images
Mark Thompson, Getty Images

Justin Bieber is in some serious you-know-what after videos of his making a racist joke and singing a disgustingly racist rendition of his hit "One Less Lonely Girl" have hit the web. There are rumors that the videos were part of some scheme to blackmail the young billionaire, and many people have rushed to Beib's defense, saying the videos were filmed when he was young and didn't know any better. Here's the thing: BEIBER IS NOT THE VICTIM HERE, AND SAYING RACIST STUFF IS NEVER, EVER OKAY.

I don't care if the videos became viral after a blackmail attempt; let me say this again: Justin Bieber is not (in any way, shape, or form) a victim. He's the one that said disgusting things. HE DID THAT. His being 15 at the time these videos were shot isn't an excuse either. Fifteen years old is old enough to realize that how you behave and the things you say are your responsibility and that your actions have consequences.

You could argue that Justin may have been raised in an environment where saying racist crap was okay and that his parents or family are to blame. That may be true, but it still doesn't exonerate the Biebs in this situation. It just makes the whole thing even more depressing; it means there are even more people who think making racist jokes or saying hurtful things is nothing out of the ordinary.

Maybe I am weird for being so outraged about this, but it's hard not to be when you watch a video of a bajillionaire singing about killing African-American people and giggling because hating people or killing people based on the color of their skin is just soooo funny.

It's not funny. If you think it is, you're part of the problem. I know Justin's already released a heartfelt apology. I think he understands just how terrible the jokes he made are and how racist behavior is never, ever, EVER cool. I read his apology, and I feel for the kid. I think he's on the right path to make amends. That's good.

Here's the lesson to take away from all this mess: saying racist things, making racist jokes, laughing at racist jokes, all racist behavior should have no place in society. I realize I am a white person, and I'm trying to keep my privilege in check here. I know I have never or will ever be affected by racism the same way a person of color is; I'll never know the pain or struggles they face each and every day because people like Justin Beiber, Donald Sterling, or Paula Deen perpetuate what should be an antiquated way of thinking.

I'm not calling out these celebs because I dislike them, but all three have been at the center of a huge controversy after their racist comments were made public. They face media scrutiny for the things they said, and I'm okay with that--no one should ever get away with saying hateful things... but here's what really bothers me: hundreds of thousands of people say the same things and make the same jokes each and every day. 

That's what breaks my heart. People say racist crap so frequently that it's NBD. People make excuses and say things like, "That's just how we are in the South" or "That's just the way our grandparents were raised" or whatever places the blame on someone else.

Maybe I am an unrealistic idealist, but I long for a world where no one says racist stuff, no one makes racist jokes, no one unfairly judges people based on the color of their skin, no one kills or terrorizes people because they're "different." I long for a day where we all just exist together without hate or prejudice. I long for a day when we love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

It's up to you. Raise your kids to know better, to be better. Don't make excuses for other people's racist behavior. Be the change you want to see in the world. You can do it. We all can.


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