American Ninja Warrior Brings Course to Tumbling Tides
Most people who've been following me for a while know daughter has been doing gymnastics since she was 2. This means I spend countless hours at Tuscaloosa Tumbling Tides. We've seen participants and even coaches come and go, but we've been there so long most of those who've been there the same amount of time feel like family.
So, it brought us great pleasure to be able to cheer for "Coach Casey" during the episodes he was on "American Ninja Warrior." Check him out.
Here's his latest run:
What I like most about Coach Casey, though, is that he not only competed for the show, but he saw where he could make a difference and worked to help establish a "Tumbling Ninja" program at Tuscaloosa Tumbling Tides.
It is said that the class is so popular, there's a waiting list. And let's face it, what child WOULDN'T want to do some of the things he sees these athletes do on tv?
To get more information on the class cost and schedule, visit the Tuscaloosa Tumbling Tides website.