No doubt the hottest ticket in Tuscaloosa right now is for the upcoming John Mayer concert at the amphitheater on Thursday April 25th! The staff at B101.7 met up recently to think about how to give away the remaining tickets we have for the show. We thought, wouldn't it be great to give the biggest fan tickets to the show?! Wouldn't it be awesome to hook up someone who has been pretty bummed thinking they wouldn't be able to get tickets? Someone, like you!

Here it is! Enter to win tickets by sharing your best campaign poster, #MayorForMayer!

Your poster needs to include:
1. Vote for (your name)
2. B101.7 - Logo or handwritten
3. #MayorForMayer

To help get you started, here are sample #MayorForMayer campaign posters from the B101.7 Staff:

Meg Summers #MayorForMayer
Greg Thomas #MayorForMayer
Louie Linguini #MayorForMayer

Start your #MayorForMayer campaign today by sharing your poster with us on Facebook, or tag @b1017 on Twitter, or tag @b1017fm on Instagram.

Both digital and pictures of poster board entries will be accepted.

The deadline to submit your poster is 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday April 17th. Then, five #MayorForMayer campaigns will move on to become finalists. This is where your campaign really kicks in to be #MayorForMayer as you work to get friends and family to vote for you to win the tickets! Each of the finalists will be featured for voting right here on the B101.7 website.

So, go ahead and get your poster together to enter. Good luck!

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