Robin Thicke

Watch Old People and Babies Dancing to ‘Blurred Lines’
Watch Old People and Babies Dancing to ‘Blurred Lines’
Watch Old People and Babies Dancing to ‘Blurred Lines’
Maybe the video's blatant objectification of women is a bit too much for you. Maybe you like watching old people dance. Maybe you just want an excuse to listen to Robin Thicke's summer jam 'Blurred Lines' eight times in a row. Whatever your reason is, we're pretty sure you're going to enjoy watching these videos of old people (and babies!) dancing to 'Blurred Lines.'
Blurred Lines Performance
Blurred Lines Performance
Blurred Lines Performance
Robin Thicke's song 'Blurred Lines' is on top of the Hot 100 this week and for good reason, that shiz is catchy! It's funky and bouncing beat appeals to pretty much everyone, including Miley Cyrus.