What was it like to work as a meteorologist during the generational tornado outbreak of April 27, 2011? James Spann is sharing his thoughts in a new memoir.
Here is a list of 252 names belonging to all who lost their lives from the 62 tornadoes that devastated the state of Alabama on April 27, 2011. We share their names so we never forget.
Alabama head football coach Nick Saban met with the media today to reflect on the deadly April 27, 2011 tornado that ravaged the city of Tuscaloosa and destroyed the community. Saban's football team was affected in the storm as long-snapper Carson Tinker broke his arm attempting to protect his fiancé. Tinker's fiancé, Ashley Harrison, was unfortunately one of the 64 victims of the vicious storm.
WVUA's chief meteorologist spoke with The Tuscaloosa Thread about the harrowing experience of covering the April 27, 2011 tornado live on air, and watching as it went over his house.
As a Florida transplant coming to Alabama, one of the dates I quickly learned about was April 27th, 2011. Before, I didn't understand how bad it was. Now I know.
Ashley Mims, the mother of Tuscaloosa tornado victim Loryn Brown, remembers and celebrates her late daughter's birthday every year by committing acts of kindness.