When in doubt in the trajectory of your career, take a jab at Taylor Swift -- it seems to get everyone noticed in headlines these days. Nick Lachey did just that when he warned this generation's boy band members to keep T. Swizzle at arm's length (or longer).

In an interview with MTV (via Ace Showbiz), 98 Degrees members Jeff Timmons and Nick Lachey offered advice to boy bands like One Direction and the Wanted. Timmons' advice was very general and cautionary saying, "Surround yourselves with good people. I mean, not to get too serious about it, but that's one thing that I think that we didn't always have. We didn't always have folks looking out for us the right way. Surround yourselves with good people; enjoy the ride."

To which Nick Lachey brilliantly added, "And stay away from Taylor Swift! She'll write a song about you... Oh! I'm too late on that one. I didn't get to [that advice] fast enough. [The song will] be a hit, but it will be about you." That's one way to get people to buy tickets for your reunion tour, right? If only Harry Styles had met Nick Lachey a few months earlier. That would have changed everything, right? Oh, you mean guys in boy bands like to date pretty pop singers? You wouldn't know anything about that, Nick, would you? Oh, that's right! You were married to Jessica Simpson!

The 98 Degrees guys are doing the rounds on the publicity circuit promoting their new single 'Microphone,' and The Package tour, where they'll be hitting the road with NKOTB and Boyz II Men starting at the end of May.

Watch 98 Degrees Perform 'Microphone' on the 'Today Show'

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