Meg McGuffin, you are my new favorite person.At last night's Miss America Pageant, Miss Alabama ACED her interview. She was asked why she thinks Donald Trump is currently leading the Republican Presidential Candidates by an overwhelming margin.

McGuffin said Trump has garnered popularity because he's an entertainer, and that the Republican Party should be "terrified" of him.

Why, you ask?

Because Trump's soaking up all the spotlight and pulling attention away from qualified candidates. This, people, is a MASTER CLASS in shade.

McGuffin didn't come right out and call Donald Trump a no-talent clown, but she was thisclose to standing in front of millions of viewers and saying, "Bless Your Heart, Donald Trump."

I'm so happy someone was brave enough to call Trump OUT on his nonsense, and I'm proud that the woman who did so was from Alabama. God Bless You, Meg McGuffin. In my heart, you'll always be the REAL Miss America.

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