For the length of his career (and even after his death), Michael Jackson was the subject of increasingly bizarre rumors. They vary in absurdity, from sleeping in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber to being chemically castrated to stop his voice from changing to Michael's showing a genuine interesting in playing Jar Jar Binks in those Star Wars revivals -- well, actually, that last one is true.

Proving that fact really is stranger than fiction, The Guardian says Michael was interested in playing the role of the biggest blight on the Star Wars franchise, the widely despised character of Jar Jar Binks. Ahmed Best, the actor whose IMDB credits will forever be tarnished by the role, recounted the moment he found out the legendary pop star wanted his part.

He said, "That’s what George [Lucas] told me. Me, Natalie Portman, and George’s kids – we were at Wembley Arena at Michael Jackson’s concert. We were taken backstage and we met Michael. There was Michael and Lisa Marie [Presley]. George introduced me as ‘Jar Jar’ and I was like, ‘That’s kind of weird.’ Michael was like, ‘Oh. OK.’ I thought, ‘What is going on?’"

He continued telling the weirdest story ever, saying, "After Michael had driven off, we all go back up to a big afterparty. I’m having a drink with George and I said, ‘Why did you introduce me as Jar Jar?”’He said, ‘Well, Michael wanted to do the part but he wanted to do it in prosthetics and makeup like Thriller.’ George wanted to do it in CGI. My guess is ultimately Michael Jackson would have been bigger than the movie, and I don’t think he wanted that.”

Michael was a huge fan of the Star Wars franchise. He owned life size figures of Darth Vader, C-3PO and Boba Fett, all stored at his Neverland Ranch. But we're kind of glad things didn't pan out in his favor this time.

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